Book cover Dark Side of the Moon volume 1

The Dark Side of the Moon: vol. 1

In the last ten years the American political scene has changed so much that the events of the early 2000s can seem like ancient history. Who can still remember that far back? Let Jim Freeman be your expert witness.

Writing from his home in Prague, the author’s views of his native America are salted with irony and lightly peppered by humor, a relief from the unending rants of the far left or far right and reasonably balanced by common sense.

This first volume in the series, covering the years 1998 to 2003, begins with the death of Princess Diana and ends with Shock and Awe, years that led America from its version of fairy-tales to what Saddam Hussein would have called ‘the mother of all fairy-tales.’ What were the scattered concerns of the nation while all that war-planning was going on from an undisclosed location? The Dark Side of the Moon brings welcome context to those events.