Sabatini Gives It His Best Shot

Rafael Sabatini is no longer with us, having died in 1950, but he was an Italian-born British writer of romance and adventure novels. Raf is best known for his worldwide bestsellers: The Sea Hawk, Scaramouche, Captain Blood, and Bellarion the Fortunate. Several of his novels have been made into films.

A man who earned his way in the writer’s world and had a thing or two to say about it as well. “An intelligent observation of the facts of human existence will reveal to shallow-minded folk who sneer at the use of coincidence in the arts of fiction and drama that life itself is little more than a series of coincidences.”

Indeed, looking back on my own rather long life, my wife reminds me constantly that I have angels and they have flapped their wings quite furiously at various times to keep me out of trouble. Yet I have friends who must have lived angel-less and suffered the most extraordinary difficulties. Was that coincidence or simply bad luck? And yet again, there are times in my novels where characters have simply run off with the story, leaving me huffing and puffing to keep up, fingers flying. It doesn’t seem important to me to have an answer. Life hands us what it hands us and the same is true of writing.

The really important thing is not to let it slow you down. If we get to overthinking, man, creative living—and particularly creative writing—flies right out the window, angels or no angels.



There’s a Saying among Motorcyclists That “Chrome Won’t Get You Home”

And it’s relevant in the business community as well. A flashy website may be nice, but your business is only as good as what it did last week. ‘Beauty is as beauty does,’ with trophy wives, Harley Davidsons or any kind of business venture you can name. Let me share a...

Culture is Born, not Declared

The thing about company culture is that it doesn’t make it happen by stating you have one. The culture we belong to has to do with our tribe (and I mean by that our close friends and associates), our background and history and the way we were raised. In the same way...

Sometimes a Bit of Pain Is a Good Thing

The bloody-nose on a schoolyard is a good example. My father taught me early-on that, if a fight comes to you, hit your opponent squarely in the nose. He’ll no doubt beat the hell out of you, but after that the bullies will leave you alone. I’ve not had much occasion...

Dick Cheney’s Fingerprints

On March 20, 2003 the United States and Great Britain attacked Iraq, staying for 8 years, 273 days and leaving behind 150,000 Iraqi civilians dead and another half-million collateral victims. The cost to the US is estimated at $3 trillion that we didn’t have to begin...