Experience the gripping tale of two men locked in deadly conflict, where immovable honor clashes with unstoppable arrogance, all occurring against the authentic backdrop of an 800 acre southern Illinois duck club. In The Island, Jim Freeman weaves a haunting story that explores the depths of the human psyche and the consequences of an impulsive act that forever changes a man’s life.
Amidst the tranquil beauty of this ancient and mystical land, Hank Edson, the jack of all trades owner-operator of the club, finds himself facing a relentless intruder. Pushed to the brink by his desperate need for support in the face of local apathy, Hank takes drastic action in a knee-jerk moment of anger and despair. But what happens when an ordinary man commits an extraordinary act? The Island peers into the fragile psyche of a man spiraling into madness, blurring the boundaries of right and wrong.
Feel the chill of a cold, wet morning in a duck blind and embrace the warm camaraderie shared among members. Jim’s spot-on dialogue effortlessly brings the story to life and, as the suspense mounts, The Island poses a thought-provoking question: Can one desperate act define a person’s entire existence? You may be left questioning the boundaries of morality.
A great read whether you’re a seasoned duck hunter or someone who’s never had water in their boot. A perfect gift for hunters and outdoorsmen. Relax by the fire with a book in your hand and a Labrador at your feet.