Thinkers I admire: David Suzuki

David Suzuki writes that ‘Despair Is a Luxury We Can’t Afford’. As a writer, I love the words he chose on a subject we haven’t seen get much traction. It’s almost the polar opposite of my writing, that claims we are short on despair and long on kicking cans down the road.

But he has a point and it’s a better one than mine

We are each of us treating the issue of climate change and Suzuki says we have to stop elevating the economy and politics over the state of our world. Hard to argue that. The economy and politics will still be here in a hundred years, although the world (at least as we will have remembered it) may have thought it over and decided to move on without us.

David has made his case. I have made mine, perhaps even a time too often. If you are a writer, and if you hope to have left a mark on the world of words a hundred years from now, it’s time to make yours.



There Was a Time I Wrote Poetry…

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A Note to Anyone in Charge of Hiring

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Kids Don’t Read and Write Anymore

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The Writer’s Life as Told to Me by Others

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