The Writer’s Obligation to Climate Change

In a very real sense of the matter, certainly the writer bears no more obligation than the ordinary citizen. Those who have an opinion on the matter tend to be high on shaming, possibly other substances as well and very low on obligation. Which is as it should be.

However (and you kind of knew there would be a ‘however’), if you feel the need to get into the conversation, we are long on demonstrators and dreadfully low on writers. That’s not to say the press has been idle, but the public has grown tired of huge and frantic, the endless harangue and are quite likely to simply pass over another bit about the rain forest or Sir David Attenborough reminding us of the decline of butterflies.

What may be more consequential is a reminder to your ‘tribe’ on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter that we humans are in danger of failing as a species. Last decade’s spotted owl morphed into this year’s human species without so much as a whisper. The late comedian-philosopher George Carlin had a word or two to say about that very subject. George is gone and I miss him. Mostly I miss his extreme intelligence and no-bullshit presentations that remind us of what a self-important species we are.

Having said that, there is something useful you can do if you care to. Write something small to your tribe. We all have a tribe, those folks who sit with us around a metaphoric campfire and chew over the issues that connect us. A kitchen-table, your favorite seat at the pub—those are tribal grounds and, like George, try not to pontificate. We’re pretty much up to our ears in pontification and it’s not working.

Or, simply leave it alone. My personal choice with the overload of  war in Ukraine, the broken life of Donald Trump, mass shootings and dumber-than-dumb politicians in both parties, has been to lean back a bit and reflect instead of making myself ill with worry.

Hmmm, wonder how that will work out” is my new and soothing mantra.

Doesn’t mean I no longer care, simply means that writing to you is enough. A small idea, a small thing of value you might remember and pass on to someone else is enough because there’s not room enough in the air we breath for more big ideas. I let Elon and Jeff worry about the big things…you and I can stay small and pass a thought or two along the conversational line.

Cheers…I love you all for being here with me…



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