ChatGPT and ‘Where the Buffalo Roam’

Give me a home where the buffalo roam” is the refrain from a nostalgic song about the old West. It’s tie-in to ChatGPT is the sense of randomness—that thing that both buffalo and humans share and artificial intelligence lacks.

Fiction is a delicate thing because of what it is not. It is the story, usually of a person or an event, that has the surprise, chaos, beauty and struggle of its characters. Those characters are not the composite of all humans or events—which ChatGPT is really good at—but the sorrow and joy of life itself, which is utterly random. Think of your own life and how it bloomed and blossomed or wilted and nearly died from specific and unknown paths you would never have suspected.

That’s what we do, who we are as humans. That’s what AI can only replicate. Is your life a replication of all lives, a common denominator of lifetimes? I think not. Mine has certainly had its share of griefs and unexpected winnings. That’s why AI will never write an outstanding novel, because by its very definition it is not outstanding. It’s very good and blindingly quick but it will always be composite.

Margarine is not butter. That’s why there will always be those who pay just a bit more for something that comes from the cow.

Like butter, a well-drawn character or memorable story must come directly from the cow.



Broken Pieces

If poetry can carry us through the difficult waters of our emotions, then this collection is your bad-weather friend. “I did lots of things last night my body wasn’t happy with” - haven’t we all been there? Or the opening lines of the title poem, “sleeping in broken...

Discover how to be More of Who You Are, rather than a Version of the Competition

In business, you’re likely engaged in either a finite or infinite game. Think professional sports: The finite game is winning this Saturday’s soccer game. The infinite game is soccer itself—it will be around as a sport whether you win or lose. It’s hard to do work...

Drive the Results or Be Empathetic

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An extract from ‘Tulsa’

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